Designed for Patients, Made for Care Providers.

Where Comfort Meets Care
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About Covalon

Differentiation by Compassion: Advanced Vascular Access and Wound Care Technologies
Compassionate vascular access solutions and advanced wound care dressings uniquely designed for patients and made for care providers.
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Meet Charles!

Charles’ diabetic foot ulcer put him at risk for amputation.
ColActive® PLUS, a specialized collagen wound dressing, helped get him back on his feet.
charles m

Meet Charles!

Charles’ diabetic foot ulcer put him at risk for amputation.
ColActive® PLUS, a specialized collagen wound dressing, helped get him back on his feet.

Compassion doesn’t just start in our hearts and end at our fingertips — it extends to the technology we hold in our hands.

Featured Products

Where Comfort Meets Care



The only vascular access line guard designed to protect hubs and line-to-line connections from gross contamination.
IV Clear

IV Clear®

The world’s only dual-antimicrobial, clear IV dressing made with soft silicone.
CovaClear IV

CovaClear® IV

The unique soft silicone solution for sensitive skin, free from antimicrobials for gentler care and the tiniest patients.


Featured Resources

CovaClear® IV is a transparent,...

VALGuard® is the only vascular...

Download the IV Clear Clinical...

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